Heat therapy
Heating tissues with a Sollux lamp to activate healing processes in heated tissues, analgesic effect, treatment of sinuses, treatment of chronic inflammation of the musculoskeletal system, neuralgia.
Heating tissues with a Sollux lamp to activate healing processes in heated tissues, analgesic effect, treatment of sinuses, treatment of chronic inflammation of the musculoskeletal system, neuralgia.
It has anti-inflammatory properties, stimulates wound healing, has an analgesic effect, improves the functioning of joints and inhibits their degenerative processes. The therapy is used in the treatment of spinal degeneration, post-traumatic conditions, and in the treatment of sciatica.
High-frequency acoustic wave therapy brings the bests effect on muscles, treats heel spurs, knee and hip joint degeneration, sciatica, vertebral arthritis, etc.
Precise tissue irradiation using laser light of appropriate intensity. Indications: spine pain syndromes, degenerative joint diseases, chronic nerve inflammation, neuralgia, radicular pain and many others.
Therapy consisting of muscle stimulation with current using point electrodes. The treatment aims to stimulate the muscles to contract.
This method is the dynamic taping, which involves gluing non-stretchable or flexible tapes to the body in accordance with specific rules.
Special tapes regulate muscle tension at the site of application. In this way, they allow you to reduce pain and hypersensitivity to touch and at the same time increase the range of movement and muscle strength despite the symptoms.
ATP FED w Łodzi, jako placówka medyczna, funkcjonuje w tzw. reżimie sanitarnym: codzienna dezynfekcja aparatów, urządzeń, ozonowanie oraz odkażanie całych pomieszczeń przy użyciu najnowocześniejszych środków zwalczających bakterie i wirusy w tym Covid-19 pozwala na ciągłość terapii Naszych pacjentów bez przerw związanych z kwarantanną bądź innymi wydarzeniami dotyczącymi pandemii.
W związku z wprowadzonymi obostrzeniami dot. pandemii Covid-19, celem kontynuowania rehabilitacji Naszych pacjentów, musimy przypomnieć, a zarazem wprowadzić kilka zmian w funkcjonowaniu placówki:
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